
Fuentes útiles de Información.

Modelo Canvas.
Canvanizer es una herramienta fundada en Alemania. Sus fundadores decidieron crear una herramienta que fuera más fácil de utilizar durante los eventos Start Up, posteriormente abrieron la plataforma al público.
Modelo Canvas.
Strategyzer es la plataforma oficial de Alex Osterwalder, creader del Business Model Canvas. Es probablemente una de las herramientas mas completas y versátiles de utilizar pero tiene un costo.
Curation: How to Beat Negative Network Effects
There are two types of negative network effects in the software realm — networks can choose between five curation mechanisms to overcome them
The 30 Best Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneurs in 2020
Here on the Review, we have an annual tradition that we look forward to each January. We press pause, pour ourselves a big cup of coffee, and pore over each article we published the previous year, with an eye for the very best pieces of advice that we’re still thinking about, one year on.
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